Private pictures and testimonials from customers who already experienced Discover Bali Indonesia customized tours
Alain and Elly
10 days in April 2006. From FranceThanks for the trip you organized for us, it was really enchanting. We knew it would be a bit of a rush to do Bali and Java is such short time but we are very happy we did it (our driver was excellent by the way!).
We had often the feeling of being the only foreigners in the area and this was exactly what we were looking for! Many very special sightseeing’s and a lot of contact with the local people (so friendly!), as you promised to us. We do not regret the climb of the Ijen volcano, which was a wonderful experience. We send you some pictures, among the hundreds we did...
Evelyne, Diémou and Fabienne
Three friends, 2 weeks stay in March 2006, from Togo and MartiniqueBali is really a fairy island, we are so happy we spent our holidays there. Our customized tour did suit us perfectly. We were really in touch with the local people, and far from the tourist crowds.
We thank our guide Nyoman for having invited us in his house during the Balinese new year, this was an unforgettable experience…
We felt in another world… We hope we can come back soon.
Nathalie and Marcus
15 days, couple in their fifties, from Austria, August 2005Hello to all of you! Yes, we are back to Austria, quite sad we have to say, because of the rain and brrr the cold…
We must acknowledge that our trip to Indonesia was a big time. Everything was enchanting. The hotels were even better in reality then in the pictures on Discover Bali Indonesia website (usually we expect the other way round…) and our desire for romantic moments has been fully satisfied…
Wayan, the guide: impossible to have a nicer attitude then his. He always searched for the most off the beaten path locations, introduced us to several Hindu ceremonies, and did bring us to the most traditional “warungs”: delicious! We could not have experienced such “real moments” in the heart of the everyday life of the Balinese people without him! We really got the “real thing”, thanks a lot to your team. I often visit your website, it makes me dream about Bali, definitely a piece of paradise on earth.
Christophe and Aude
17 days, young married couple from Switzerland, August 2005Sorry for not contacting you earlier, the selection of our hundreds of pictures took us a long (but very enjoyable!) time. As we told you when we met in Bali before departure, we have been overwhelmed by our holidays. Your work was perfectly done and assured to us an unforgettable traveling experience. We think often about the Balinese people, so friendly, and never hesitate to promote this beautiful destination and the team of Discover Bali Indonesia. We hope to meet with you again some day!
Yann, Pascale and their two children
16 days, a family from Madagascar, July 2005Bali has now a special place in our hearts and we didn’t forget its amazing beauty, nor the friendly team of Discover Bali Indonesia. The mind filled up with exciting memories my small family had it difficult to get back to normal life and the winter of Madagascar!
Gérard and Françoise
18 days, a couple in the fifties from France, July 2005This trip around Bali stays in our mind as one of the very best holidays ever, because of the cultural interest and the welcoming inhabitants of the island and the quality and originality of the activities and accommodation provided by Discover Bali Indonesia
Alain, Maud, Blandine, Frédéric and Salvador
20 days adventure tour, 5 friends between 27 and 55 years old from France and Mexico, June 2005Congratulations for the guides, Putra and Sang Nyoman, who provided to us very appreciated assistance and happy spirit! We were in good hands (on the “wild” Javanese roads and traffic you really need to feel secure), and could enjoy the expertise of your team in Indonesia by the unusual tour you organized for us (we hope we were not “difficult” clients!), really flexible and matching all our desires.
The climbing of the Semeru was very professionally handled, with high quality equipment, and we returned safe from this visit to the “monster” of Java. We were as well very satisfied with the hotels (we had the impression we always got the best rooms, thanks a lot!), they had all of them a special charm and great location.
One advice we want to give: better you always plan the walks early in the morning while in the mountains because around noon we noticed the sky becomes cloudy (not good for taking pictures…). Thanks again for the quality of your services and your personalized welcome (we appreciated a lot to meet with Laurent upon arrival and have a convivial discussion about this country that we were discovering). We know who to recommend to friends who plan a trip to Indonesia!
10 days stay in January 2005"An unforgetable discovery of Bali, well too short (6 days full) yet so rich thanks to our guide PUTRA. One of my best memories was the excursion in the paddy field in terraces at the beginning of GUNUNG GAYA (in the east island) and my worst memory was KUTA. Bali has got an incredible diversity of landscapes and the people were so lovely to meet.
Many thanks to Discover Bali Indonesia”
Martine and Jean
Couple for 12 days stay in November 2004That was such a dream and we make a point of thanking Discover Bali Indonesia for having taken part to create such conditions so that this dream can be carried out. All the combinations, the weather was nice (30° against a rainy and cold weather in Paris), the sea was to 34°.
The landscapes were beautiful and the Balinese were incredibly kind people. Since we arrived the smile stole our heart. And the trip itself was such paradise.
All was such well organized tour, that made this trip enjoyable, and according to our wishes, to discover this marvelous country and at the same time flexible enough enable us to choose according to what we wanted on the spot. The hotels were perfectly selected. The guide, he was marvelous and friendly and discrete and he enlightened us on the life and the religion of the Balinese.
Golden thanks to the team of Discover Bali Indonesia.
Christel, Marie-Angel and Roger
9 days stay in November 2004Thank you infinitely all for this splendid Bali experience through Discover Bali Indonesia which will remain an imperishable memory.
Myriam & Cyril
12 days stay in October 2004
We are so very pleased with our trip that we are not ready to forget.
One’s hopes that everything goes well in Bali , in France, it snows and the temperature is of -2°C, that’s different to Bali!!!!
We higly appreciated the company and the professionalism of Putra and Wayan!!! Wonderful duo!!!
Thanks again all!!!

Nadine & Benoit
2 adults - 15 days stay in October 2004Hmm… two weeks it has been since we returned to Paris and in spite of life (shame...), our dreams are always rhythms of the gamelan and filled with temples, colorful fish, rice plantations, turquoise sea, fried rice, and the unforgettable smiles of the Balinese.
The stay went perfectly well, the landscape is Impressive, so different to several countries we have visited like: rice plantations, vines, mountain, cliffs, volcano, cascades, lakes, sea etc... Each one will find its happiness in Bali.
To Discover Bali Indonesia , nothing to add, exquisite hotels, brilliant welcome at our arrival and an unforgetable dessert offered to us (indescribable "hot and soft chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream "at Candi Dasa, isn't it Laurent???), and many thanks to our charming guide. We hope only one thing: to return quickly... very quickly.
Continue, your customized trips are the promise of successful holidays! Thank you still for all these beautiful memories.
Nadine and Benoît.

Marie & Rene
2 adults - 15 days stay in September 2004The trip to this marvelous and unforgettable remote country, where we celebrated our marriage was well organized by the Discover Bali Indonesia team. The ceremony proceeded at Wayan’s house who is also a musician and gifted musical conductor.
The different sounds of musical instruments blown us away. The house of Wyaran was cordially opened to us by his wife, friends and parents and this marriage was extraordinary and will be engraved forever in our heart.
Moreover, at the time we spent was pleasant and pontaneous receptions of the Balinese had an incomparable charm of "return to the sources", that many people seek nowadays. We visited such breathtaking places, rice plantations, majestic forest, lakes, cascades, temples and museums.
We would recommend the people who are in love to follow our lead and marry in this magical place which we will never forget.Every single day we’re always talking about Discover Bali Indonesia, not to forget our guide Putra and driver Wyaran with whom we already exchanged emails.
Triplettes In Bali
Dargaud Family, 5 person-- August 2004BALI is so cool!
We are three sisters of 12 year old and we spent 3 weeks in Bali this summer with Discover Bali Indonesia. There are plenty of coconuts, banana trees, frangipanis and palm trees...
We visited temples kept by monkeys. We attended a festival of temple. The Balinese had their festival outfit. We took a photograph with Balinese twins met by chance.
We fished and ate some. We climbed the mount Abang (2153 m): climbing wasn’t too bad, except for Solène, but descent... too good.
All the time, we made a new activity and discoveries. We visited the house of our guide Widi who explained us what was the altar used for in relation to the spirits and he picked some coconuts for us to taste.
In the hotels, there was a super swimming pool or the sea, we bathed very often. We also visited the bird park, it was great! We learned how to pick some rice and to do offerings, but it was not easy.
Sylvie & her family
4 adults stay family - September 2004Hello all.
We’re back here on our premises after spending 3 incredible weeks in Bali... thanks to you. The recovery back home is somewhat chaotic because we all got sick! I barely had time to unpack the bags, last Thursday; I spent the rest of the afternoon by going to the toilette constantly!!
Otherwise, we are pleased with our stay which is perfectly unrolled. Any tiny concern was quickly regulated by your care. The trip corresponded completely to our liking, the hotels were extremely pleasant and our guide (Dewa)... PERFECT! If I can make some remarks, I would say that the rise of the mount Abang (that we tried to make) is not with the range of the sportsmen of Sunday, like us....
I hope that we will keep contact, from time to time, give us some news of this island which is treasure to my heart. The "Discover Bali Indonesia" tour gave us really the opportunity to enter within the Balinese culture and meet the inhabitants.
The presence of your Balinese guide allowed us to benefit fully from these privileged moments, at the time of ceremonies to the temple, marriages, cremations, cockfights, at the market... Put in short from start to finish we enjoyed more then we could expect the stay in the sacred island of gods.