Our Activities
Nature & Adventure

Volcano climbing
This can be easy when a road leads almost to the top or a 3 days trek experience when you have to do all the way by foot. Bromo volcano on Java, Batur on Bali are the easy ones.
Merapi volcano north of Jogjakarta and Kawah Ijen in East-Java can be done by anybody ready to sweat and walk few hours. Rinjani volcano on Lombok and Agung volcano on Bali are really tough and need previous mountain climbing experiences. Always use good shoes and bring warm clothes.

Countryside walks
By countryside walks we mean walks of a maximum of 3 hours but usually much less, which can be done by children. We distinguish them from treks which are longer walks and sometimes not suiting to everybody.

We provide easy cycling day or half day trips around villages and more or less flat countryside. They can be done by anyone. We can upgrade the difficulty on request.

The trekking we provide are walks between 3 and 8 hours, except trekking on the Rinjani national perk which can be 4 days long with overnights under a tent.

It can be a nice way to explore nature. But you should know that the prices are based on international standards (as is the level of security). In other words it is quite an expensive activity compared to many others in Indonesia

Fishing trips
You will experience traditional fishing techniques on a small fisherman boat. You may get more fishes than you can eat or none...
Anyway you will have been on water and see the world from another side…

Natural Parks
The best ones are located in East-Java. The National Park in West-Bali is usually disappointing. On the other hand the Rinjani National Park in Lombok is well managed and has a lot to see. In those parks you can do treks and sometimes sleep with the rangers or do camping (a guide is recommended if not obligatory).

Mountains and rice fields
In Bali, Java and Lombok you are never far from them, even if you decide to stay at a beach hotel. But still we advice you to spend some nights in the mountains to feel a more rural and authentic ambiance (the fresh air is enjoyable also, giving you a great break from the coastal heat). Balinese people are especially not very connected to the sea, that’s why you have to wonder in the mountains if you want to get in touch with the traditional life of the inhabitants and the spirit of the island.

To visit plantations, farms and learn about coffee production, rice cultivation is an exciting way to get in touch with the real every day life of the locals. East-Java is the best area for such an activity. Very recommended.

In the region of Jogjakarta we can bring to a cave where is flowing an underneath river. 3 hours walk for a first and easy speleological experience with basic equipment (torch lamp and helm).