Our Activities
Meet with Cultural Figures

Get introduced to a Balian/Dukun
A "balian" means a healer in Balinese language. They have each of them some specific capabilities ranging from healing bone injuries and various physical pains to healing sufferings located on a psychological level. Body and soul are working together according to them and should be treated all together.
Treatments include special healing massages, meditation, exorcism, special diets and some things that we would in modern world consider as "magical". Well this is no “magic” but an ancestral knowledge of using the invisible powers around us. Falling in love is one of them that we have all experienced: there is often not much to explain about it and might just the same be considered as "magical" isn't it?

Get introduced to local artists
Discover Bali Indonesia can introduce you to local famous artists. You meet them in their homes where they will explain about their art and give you some private exhibition (music, dancing, sculpture, theatre...)